Lydia's Speakers

This blog is going to document the building of Aunt Lydia's surround sound. My goal is to build something VERY nice for a good price. The System will use 2 of Wayne's "Morel-Peerless'" in the front, 2 of his "Dayton Home Theatre" surrounds in the back, and A Quatro 10 / Dayton 240w sub.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Trimming the box edjes...

Here I'm useing the flush trim bit to clean up and square off the edjes. Next I'll use the palm sander to get them looking nicer.

I've been holding off on my order because the sub I was going to get is out of stock. Since I'm not sure when It'll be in, I've decided to build one. If I use the 10inch Quatro driver I should be able to get enough veneer out of one 4 x 8 sheet. Now you can look forward to more pictures of MDF ;)Posted by Picasa